anonymous function javascript

// There are several definitions

// Non-anonymous, you name it
function hello() { /* code */ }
// Call as usual

// The myriad of anonymous functions

// This is actually anonymous
// It is simply stored in a variable
var hello = function() { /* code */ }
// It is called the same way

// You will usually find them as callbacks
setTimeout(function(){ /* code */ }, 1000)
// jQuery
$('.some-element').each(function(index){ /* code */ })

// Or a self firing-closue
(function(){ /* code */ })()A function is a reusable block of code that allows you to 
input specific values. To specify the values you need to call
the function by typing the name along with the desired values
spaced by commas.

function myFunction(value1, value2) {
	return value1 + value2;

myFunction(10, 5);

Now the function will return 15.

Also in JavaScript: