c# join array

// C# program to demonstrate the 
// Join(String, Obj [ ]) method 
using System; 
namespace ConsoleApplication1 { 
class Geeks { 
    // Main Method 
    static void Main(string[] args) 
        // Creating an object array 
        // Here, It is consist of four  
        // elements only 
        object[] array = {"Hello", "Geeks", 12345, 786}; 
        // Using Join method 
        // Here separator is ', '( comma ) 
        string s1 = string.Join(", ", array); 
        // Finally after joining process gets over 
        // Getting the output of value of string s1 
        Console.WriteLine("Value of string  s1 is " + s1); 
var combined = String.Join(",", new String[]{"a","b"});
// a,b

Also in C#: