
/* Answer to: "c" */

  To learn about the letter 'C' you go to the Wikipedia:
  ...but this is a Chrome Exstention for developers:

  C is a general-purpose, procedural computer programming language
  supporting structured programming, lexical variable scope, and
  recursion, while a static type system prevents unintended
  Here's the Wikipedia:
*/#include <stdio.h>

//main() is the main function for C
int main(){
	//int defines an integer variable
	int txt;

	//scanf() inputs the value you give it
	//%d defines that the value is an integer
	//& indicates that you're inputting a variable

	//printf() outputs the value you give it
	//the %d is our "txt" variable, assigned by putting ",txt"

	//return 0 indicates the end of the script
	return 0;

//P.S. always remember to put semicolons at the end of a line ;)#include <stdio.h>

int main() {
   printf("Hello, world!");
   return 0;
}C/C++ - General-purpose language with a bias toward system 
programming and embedded, resource-constrained software.
C++'s Awesome List
C's Awesome List
https://github.com/aleksandar-todorovic/awesome-c#readme#a fun little package for Python 
pip install pythonnet

# The package allows the use of c# dll files to be used in python
# Note works only for the .Net Framework

example code:

	import os
	import clr
	pwd = os.getcwd()+"/"
    # remeber the 2 files have to in the same dir
    # PythonTest1 is also my namespce
    # remeber to import the name space to be able to import the
    # Class or methods or other thing
    # Yes other things, you can do a lot with this LIB
	from PythonTest1 import Calculator

	cl = Calculator() #Class Name
	print("Add "+str(cl.add(1, 1)))
	print("sub "+str(cl.subtract(1, 19999999)))

"C" is a programming language.

Also in C: