apt install package version
apt list --installedapt-get install <package name>=<version>
Also in C++:
- install a file from internet with command prompt
- write in a file linux
- raise RuntimeError('Error accessing GPIO.') RuntimeError: Error accessing GPIO.
- install npm packages on shared hosting
- bash date today plus one day
- Show server info linux
- remove group linux
- install mailhog mac
- how to add text to promt in linux
- cd in linux
- install dot-prop
- command to wrap html
- install imagick php ubuntu
- how to access bashrc on linux
- change dns linux
- ubuntu install codecs
- pull file from specific commit git
- display settings ubuntu 20.04 in right side
- upload to aws
- choco upgrade all
- install nltk.corpus in vscode
- ubuntu install htop
- Flexlay Editor
- copy files from another branch git