change regolith terminal
update-alternatives --config x-terminal-emulator
Also in C++:
- how to restart psql in linux
- suse linux update
- install eclipse in fedora
- brew install memcached
- github see when repo was created
- install and set up mariadb django
- install angular animation 10.0.12
- rsync only updated files
- recutils add field in record
- kill all mysql processes
- ubuntu psql: error: FATAL: Peer authentication failed for user
- how to I list powershell functions
- grep until last match
- conda install snowflake-sqlalchemy
- how to clear django shell
- How to export a GPG private key to a file
- npm cache clean --force
- update angular
- create remore git branch
- error while installing psycopg2 on ubuntu 20.04
- simple way to make a text field to accept numbers only with maximum number of length 13 digit and min 10
- bash date
- how to uninstall heroku cli
- git bajar rama remota nueva