command line size of directory
# show all folder size in the current directory
du -h --max-depth=1du -sh /var# The -s flag will insure that each specific entry is calculated,
# and the -h flag will make the output in human readable size format
du -sh /directory/path
Also in C++:
- bbedit close without saving
- pull from existing git repo
- installing zenmap on kali
- restart computer command linux
- sonarqube linux installation
- install react-content loader
- bash run all commands in a file
- terminal git add ssh key
- update node version debian
- linux command to reboot machine
- ffmpeg override
- if float less than bash
- zinit
- extract from tar gz into folder
- apply gitignore to current commit
- install magento 2 docker
- linux get docker compose logs
- switching git branch in gitbash
- angular install
- downsize photo ubuntu
- virtualenvwrapper-win
- init step way to create repository git
- install nodemon globally
- how to check git changes before commit