command to fix frozen shell
Just try first pressing "Ctrl+Alt+*"
Also in C++:
- giga git commands
- bash transform uppercase to lowercase
- Unable to locate package brave-browser ubuntu 20
- open visual studio code from terminal ubuntu
- powershell do while loop
- cut first word
- updating vscode on ubuntu
- aws cli create ecr repository if not exists
- start service docker on linux
- popwershell add local user
- modifier un nom de branche git
- git delete all local branches
- replace delimiter for enter command
- awk delimiter semi-colon
- create zip file terminal linux
- firewall allow port ubuntu
- run a command x number of times linux
- git rename remote
- sudo cd command not found
- get directory of a file linux
- declare dataset in powershell
- MultipleObjectsReturned: get() returned more than one Question -- it returned 3!
- how to download pip3 in kali linux
- If you are on Ubuntu or Debian, install libgtk2.0-dev and pkg-config, then re-run cmake or configure script in function 'cvDestroyAllWindows'