crear rama git checkout
$ git reset --head ORIG_HEAD
Also in C++:
- how to delete particular type file recursively in linux
- yarn clear cache
- If your system is using EFI Secure Boot you may need to sign the kernel modules (vboxdrv, vboxnetflt, vboxnetadp, vboxpci) before you can load them.
- what all should be added to gitignore for django project
- how to create a github repo on linux command line
- how to increase nginx maximum file upload size
- conda install catboost
- filter match in line sed
- check git installed linux
- install material-ui
- grafana cli restart
- git log with numbers
- check if a npm package is installed
- how to set environment variable using bash
- popwershell add local user
- remove .idea from git
- how to install xfce kali
- npm install proxy
- install semantic ui react
- bash lowercase
- linux search file in specific folder
- turn off selinux centos
- Flexlay Editor
- update angular