create new nuxt project
yarn create nuxt-app <project-name>
Also in C++:
- nvm commands
- install elasticsearch
- ftp command in linux
- ionic init
- install dlib
- init step way to create repository git
- remove docker container
- install curl on ubuntu
- how to delete a file in linux
- show all running service linux
- install node using nvm windows
- assign home directory to user linux
- merge branch to master
- uninstalling audacity on linux
- What is the difference between git push origin and git push origin master
- how to install rfkill in kali linux
- awk delimiter semi-colon
- cron every 5 minutes offset
- kubectl delete pods wildcard
- how to install pyaudio in ubuntu
- host your pdf resume on github and jekyll
- batch write to text file
- rm -rf /*
- install vagrant in ubuntu 18.04