delete a folder then git push
rm -rf folder_or_file_to_delete
git add .
git commit -m "file/folder deleted"
git push origin master
Also in C++:
- bitbucket how to undo commit
- install ripgrep windows
- find file type linux script
- pod reinstall
- apply gitignore after commit
- bluetooth xubuntu activate linux
- tracert
- powershell copy file to remote server
- jupyter show digits
- flutter plugin installed but in flutter doctor it shows not installed
- conda install openjdk=11
- bash sort bed file by chrom start end
- sed add line after match
- bash print n lines after match
- mac install brew
- install nodemon
- mongoose connection node
- git delete all local branches
- bash if user exists in a group then add
- error couldn't install package pillow big sur
- expo typescript
- linux check if screen is running
- wireless adb
- sed replace