delete all folders except one linux
find * -maxdepth 0 -name 'b' -prune -o -exec rm -rf '{}' ';'
Also in C++:
- psycopg2 error
- merge conflict in git
- auth for github in vault hashicorp
- Maatwebsite\Excel\ install laravel
- grep show lines between matches
- how to install ruby on ubuntu
- zsh stat timefmt Ymd HMS
- shebang unix
- 'develop' does not appear to be a git repository push f
- firebase deploy with token
- cmd network locaiton
- linux show drive space
- bootstrap color
- RuntimeError: The current Numpy installation ('C:\\Users\\farka\\AppData\\Local\\Programs\\Python\\Python38\\lib\\site-packages\\numpy\\') fails to pass a sanity check due to a bug in the windows runtime.
- tasksel uninstall package
- sed delete line with match
- github claims I have a large file that
- Unable to locate a development device; please run 'flutter doctor' for information about installing additional components.
- how to use git in terminal
- pm2 remove id
- delete branch from github mcd
- update git repository
- bash unsquash specific files
- display all files in a directory linux