ds_store gitignore
find . -name .DS_Store -print0 | xargs -0 git rm -f --ignore-unmatch
git add .gitignore
git commit -m '.DS_Store banished!'
Also in C++:
- install nodejs on ubuntu
- update vs code in ubuntu
- conda install pandas
- linux show large folders
- remove port iptables
- lsof port
- delete git branch
- git stage
- react print
- atom install
- setting the upstream for a fork github
- install eclipse in fedora
- uninstall vscode linux
- how to install git in cmd on windows with terminal
- how to use vim
- git revert last commit unpushed
- How to use .AppImage on Manjaro
- stop kill network connection using cmd line
- awk lowercase
- pythonlibs install
- for while bash
- powershell create file content
- bash array
- ubuntu remove all unnecessary packages