eslint prettier reactjs
$ yarn add eslint prettier eslint-config-prettier eslint-plugin-prettier eslint-plugin-react eslint-plugin-react-hooks
# .eslintrc
"parser": "babel-eslint",
"extends": ["airbnb-base", "prettier"],
"plugins": ["import"],
"env": {
"browser": true,
"es6": true
"globals": {},
"rules": {
"import/no-cycle": "warn",
"parserOptions": {
"sourceType": "module"
# .prettierc
"printWidth": 100,
"tabWidth": 2,
"useTabs": false,
"semi": true,
"singleQuote": true,
"arrowParens": "avoid",
"trailingComma": "all"
Also in C++:
- undo git rebase
- how to prevent ubuntu from sleeping when lid is closed
- install airflow in mac
- check what is running on port linux
- download putty for ubuntu
- git ignore whitespace
- linux screen shortcuts
- kill process running on port mac
- git cherry pick multiple commits
- linux settings not opening
- install vmware tools from terminal
- batch directory
- store git credentials
- install windows service application on windows server
- list commands in shell
- ubuntu diff directories
- how to decompress gzip file in linux
- sudo snap linux store
- npx eslint fix
- grep line after match
- kill a process linux
- turn off selinux centos
- github fork subdirectory
- Changing columns for table "users" requires Doctrine DBAL. Please install the doctrine/dbal package.