first example to intro git and github
$ sudo apt update
Also in C++:
- linux show server time
- install atom ubuntu terminal
- certbot remove certificate for domain
- linux disk usage
- windows execute powershell script define user
- apache server not starting in xampp ubuntu
- count files recursively linux
- anandsiddharth/laravel-paytm-wallet for laravel 7 github
- github see when repo was created
- kill port linux
- whereis supervisord.conf ?
- git branch specific files
- mongo shell console log
- git create new repo from branch
- check postgres version in ubuntu
- how to unstage a commit
- install yacc on ubuntu
- PyInstaller can't change the shortcut icon
- git create branch
- git prune doesnt work
- install puppeteersharp
- pip install lightgbm
- how to remove folder and its contents in linux
- linux command to go to the parent directory