get Operating system command
ver && uname #First command show version in Windows and second in Unix
Also in C++:
- powershell get samaccountname from first and last name
- write a program in shell script to find factorial of a number
- merge rar parts ubuntu
- git username
- git stash apply specific file
- * Connection #0 to host left intact
- recutils add field in record
- convert increase size linux command line
- git change commit message of old commit
- pip upgrade command
- bash sum variable
- install eclipse in fedora
- git clone command from github to local
- power shell service start
- recover git stash clear
- how to prevent ubuntu from sleeping when lid is closed
- shell use command output as string
- npm install yarn equivalent
- install material-ui
- bash if else if
- git remove unpushed commit
- batch malware
- find files in windows command
- bash check if string in file