git common commands
git init
//add all
git add .
//cancel adds
git reset
//cancel commits
git reset HEAD^
//cancel last 3 commits
git reset HEAD~3
//when first commit
git push -u origin master
//remove remote origin
git remote remove origin
//reset remote origin
git remote add origin init
git add *Enter File Name Here*
git commit -m "first commit"
git remote add origin *Enter URL Here*
git push -u origin mastergit push origin :<branchname>
Also in C++:
- firebase deploy with token
- i can't configure wine 3 on ubuntu
- angular serve open
- git commit disable hooks
- git pull remote branch all
- how to find and replace a string in a file using shell script
- which zsh theme im using
- linux create folder
- acce;lerate ubuntu
- removing numbers from ubuntu icons
- what all should be added to gitignore for django project
- export github branch from one repository to another
- how to revert a git revert
- install google chrome on ubuntu
- how to get deployment token from firebase
- why my github user not showing photo in commit
- minio start app
- how to add a group windows powershell
- flutter change Target file from lib/main.dart to another
- command line windows find file
- find directory in windows
- how to install pyaudio in ubuntu
- git remote add wrong thing how to remove
- php artisan clear