git get current commit hash
git rev-parse HEAD
Also in C++:
- replace delimiter for new line
- upgrade npm version
- adb for ubuntu
- add bash command
- Package 'docker-ce' is not installed, so not removed
- how to parse command value in powershell
- git overwrite local changes
- check all the ports in use mac
- pyinstaller dmg on mac
- uninstall redis ubuntu terminal
- Unable to find a valid SQLite command
- pull from a brrrnch in git
- git rebase is not working
- pm2 install
- how to install pytesseract in rpi
- install wheel
- vim delete to end of file
- vue font awesome icons
- Module not found: Can't resolve 'uuid/v4'
- rename a.out
- clear cache yum centos 7
- install postcss
- sed range of lines result