git move latest commit to new branch
git checkout existingbranch
git branch newBranch
git reset --hard HEAD~2 # go back 2 commits on existingBranch
Also in C++:
- git config remote.origin.url
- how to install wine in ubuntu
- batch filename
- change ubuntu username
- linux install toilet
- install slurm debian
- how to use pip install conda environment
- print in bash
- crontab is not running my shell script
- kubectl create namespace
- ab benchmark example
- restart yabai fast
- install eclipse in fedora
- set zsh as default shell
- awk command
- linux get total linus off git project
- how to see permissions for file in linux
- nmap scan ubuntu
- ionic run android livereload
- git merge abort
- how to copy data from github server to another server
- uninstall vue from my system
- create and go to branch
- [!] Android Studio (version 4.1.0) X Flutter plugin not installed; this adds Flutter specific functionality. X Dart plugin not installed; this adds Dart specific functionality.