git pull a specific sha
git fetch origin
git merge YOUR_SHA_HERE
Also in C++:
- how to remove all files from staging area git
- install libreoffice linux
- linux typing hebrew
- git clone specific branch
- centos install copmposer
- restart redis ubuntu
- linssid linux mint 20
- gcloud set project id
- check ram arch linux
- how to install heroku cli
- display settings ubuntu 20.04 in right side
- find next greater number with same digits
- where is fish shell installed ubuntu
- graphql install
- linux require a password to open a certain file
- vim delete line
- rename a running docker container
- Failed to install the app. Make sure you have the Android development environment set up
- linux command to reboot machine
- disable heroku router logs
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- ubuntu install htop
- linux hex to dec
- remove folder in all sub folders linux command