git push f head
git checkout branchname # if you're not on it already
git reset --hard abcdef0
git push -f
Also in C++:
- how to know version of tensorflow in linux command line
- best audio visualiser for linux
- git remote remove origin fatal no such remote 'origin'
- git config global
- install torch anaconda
- how to create a host driver in docker
- laravel generate key
- roll back last commit in git
- react navigation react native
- brew install golang-migrate
- Install Lumen CSV
- list all packages installed with pip
- how to configure bluetooth on ubuntu command line
- install auth in laravel 8 with bootstrap
- bash sum variable
- perl install Switch
- git change email
- display group of username mac
- docker run name
- flask login install
- git branch delete remote
- grep print all after
- bash message partial match
- sed delete line with matching pattern