git remove tracked files without deleting
git rm -r --cached File-or-FolderName
git commit -m "Removed folder from repository"
git push origin master# for single file
git rm --cached myfile
# for directory file
git rm --cached --r myfilegit rm --cached -r mydirectory
Also in C++:
- how to run jar file mac
- how to find where python modules are installed
- get log from a docker machine
- git push command steps
- open avd manager linux
- ubuntu move folder to another directory
- push image to docker hub
- ssh run single command
- how to save history of commands in linux
- git see all tracked files
- linux show mail server
- "jetbrains-license-server" "github"
- start apache2 ubuntu
- Pearson correlation
- sed replace from match
- orthonormal basis
- kill skype ubuntu
- Ubuntu packages
- linux audacity installieren
- Unit mongodb.service could not be found ubuntu
- digital led arduino
- sed range of lines result
- bash transform uppercase to lowercase
- ubuntu minimize window by clicking on dock