git remove vendor folder from remote
git rm -r --cached <some-directory>
git commit -m 'Removed cached/ignored "directory-name" '
git push origin <branch-name>
Also in C++:
- centos 7 openldap install
- check git config
- linux start simple http server
- kubectl create namespace
- source tree not installed
- kubectl list context
- lib cairo win64 installation
- git setup local user
- why gitignore does not work
- install cockroachdb linux
- Pearson correlation
- pull from a brrrnch in git
- Unit mongodb.service could not be found ubuntu
- install composer in dockerfile
- vlc download for linux
- setting the upstream for a fork github
- which skype on ubuntu
- Redis::CommandError: MISCONF Redis is configured to save RDB snapshot
- update raspi
- aspnet new api
- debian install nvidia driver
- run command from history ubuntu
- gitkraken stuck on opening repo
- start docker service on windows