git stash pop abort
git apply --reversegit reset HEAD --hard
Also in C++:
- restart terminal command line ubuntu
- Update submodules
- brew uninstall mysql
- mysql database drop
- pip install requirements.txt
- git remanme folder
- git how to update branch from master
- install flask auto reload
- Maatwebsite\Excel\ install laravel
- ubuntu install pip
- powershell t admin
- install laravel specific version using composer
- install angular animation 10.0.12
- uninstall django ubuntu
- conda install pandas
- browser sync for linux
- converting mp3 with FFMPEG
- npm clean
- drupal 8 uninstall hook
- check git installed linux
- force https htaccess
- stop all docker ps-a
- install laravel globally mac
- vim wsl copy to windows system clipboard