git supprimer branche origin
git branch -d<branchname>git push origin --delete branch_name
Also in C++:
- iina github
- unable to get local issuer certificate git
- rvm install new ruby version
- mv linux command
- ubuntu color picker
- stop nginx server
- The following exception is caused by a lack of memory and not having swap configured
- powershell add user to remote desktop group
- convert shell script to yaml
- react-scripts is not recognized as an internal command windows
- ohmyzsh
- zsh autosuggestions
- regex tab
- react-laag
- Error: Unable to find a match: centos-release-openstack-queens
- jetson nano arch linux for yolo
- install elastic search ubuntu
- iis stop
- initialize a repo and push to github
- install zsh hyper mac
- install angular cli version
- bash jump to
- installed quickcheck with cabal bu ghci can't find it
- share a given window on android