git temporarily ignore changes to tracked file
# start ignoring changes to a file:
git update-index --assume-unchanged path/to/file
# keep tracking again:
git update-index --no-assume-unchanged path/to/file
Also in C++:
- linux change date and then change files ctime
- bash vlookup function
- python zlib
- yarn clear cache
- cmd kill process by pid
- GVfs metadata is not supported. Fallback to Tell Metadata Manager. Either GVfs is not correctly installed or GVfs metadata are not supported on this platform. In the latter case, you should configure Tepl with --disable-gvfs-metadata.
- powershell suppress error
- how to edit a text file in git bash
- revert a migration django
- git clone command from github to local
- github actions for gitbook
- pip install scrapy-proxy-pool
- how to install nvm
- pull file from specific commit git
- sed replace with variable
- git ftp empty string is not a valid pathspec. please use . instead if you meant to match all paths
- rails add gem to gemfile
- install git-lfs ubuntu 18.04
- create swapfile ubuntu
- remove dbeaver ubuntu 7.1.5
- restart sql server ubuntu
- git remove unpushed commit
- an audio or video streams is not handled due to missing codec
- dos findstr