git update submodule recursive
git submodule update --init --recursive
Also in C++:
- get current timestamp shell
- apply gitignore after commit
- kill skype ubuntu
- how to prevent bash or zsh from interpreting special characters
- convert biom to tsv
- sqlite3 attempt to write a readonly database
- xargs curl url
- chromium for linux
- windows 10 hardware virtualisierung deactiveren powershell
- docker install
- remove docker container
- ftp command in linux
- bash make directories using specific text from filenames
- install firebase in react
- wp-cli search-replace
- clear arp table ubuntu]
- configure github account ubuntu
- git https basic access denied
- ssh agent start
- start fast api server
- git see added files
- git revert to repo version
- git branch delete remote
- Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'less-loader' in '/Users/libyandeveloper/Documents/Apps/vue/first-name'