gitkraken snap
sudo snap install gitkraken --classic # Ubuntu 20.04sudo snap install gitkraken --classic
Also in C++:
- add bash command
- how to copy directory to a ssh server
- react native reactotron bug
- awk delimiter semi-colon
- git add commit push one command
- onedrive ubuntu 20.04
- extract tar.gz linux command line
- su to root linux
- element function in terraform
- start docker service on windows
- restart yabai fast
- add ssh key to gitlab
- The Windows Subsystem for Linux optional component is not enabled.
- how to install newrelic agent on aws linux
- upgrade all packages in package.json
- git add hidden files
- shell script to count number of lines in a file
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- docker run jenkins
- rsync ssh
- deploy vuejs heroku
- uninitialize git
- redis server stop
- git branch list