heroku create with name
heroku create <app_name_you_want_it_to_be>
# Make sure you have heroku CLI installed and have added it to PATH.heroku create name-of-app
Also in C++:
- upgrade git on centos 7
- install pecl on mac
- linux refresh .bashrc
- git bash remove files with extension recursively
- rename file command line windows
- create a new file in git bash
- revert a migration django
- graphql install
- pytesseract.pytesseract.TesseractNotFoundError: tesseract is not installed or it's not in your PATH. See README file for more information.
- how to search keyword in linux
- ubuntu server disable unattended upgrades
- install flask in venv
- how to branch from a branch in git
- install matplotlib
- git temporarily ignore changes to tracked file
- how to compare percentage value in shell script
- add a new line at the end of this file in powershell
- rename all files starting with in linux
- ubuntu server clean up disk space
- versão do meu linux
- installed delphi package says unit not found
- create react app typescript
- run sh with parameter
- stremio: Depends: libfdk-aac1