how to forcefully delete a directory in linux
rm -rf dirname# To delete a single file, use the rm or unlink command followed by the file name:
unlink filename
rm filename
# To delete multiple files at once, use the rm command followed by the file names separated by space.
rm filename1 filename2 filename3
# To remove an empty directory, use either rmdir or rm -d followed by the directory name:
rm -d dirname
rmdir dirname
# To remove non-empty directories and all the files within them, use the rm command with the-r (recursive) option:
rm -r dirname
# To remove non-empty directories and all the files without being prompted, use rm with the -r (recursive) and -f options:
rm -rf dirname
#To remove multiple directories at once, use the rm -r command followed by the directory names separated by space.
rm -r dirname1 dirname2 dirname3
rm -R directory
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