init npm
npm config ls -l # List some default settings
npm config set <key> <value> -g # Set default value for a key
npm config set init-author-name "John Doe" -g # Set default author
npm config set init-version "1.0.0" -g # Set default version
npm config set init-license "MIT" -g # Set default license
npm config get <key> # Get default value for a key
npm init -y # Create package.json with default settingsnpm initThe npm init command is a step-by-step tool to scaffold out your project.
It will prompt you for input for a few aspects of the project
in the following order:
The project's name,
The project's initial version,
The project's description,
The project's entry point (meaning the project's main file),
The project's test command (to trigger testing with something like Standard)
The project's git repository (where the project source can be found)
The project's keywords (basically, tags related to the project)
The project's license (this defaults to ISC - most open-source Node.js projects are MIT)