# Script to keep mouse pointer moving so that, for example, Suspend to RAM timeout does not occur.
# The mouse pointer will move around its current position on the screen, i.e. around any position
# on the screen where you place the pointer. However, if you prefer it to move around the centre
# of the screen then change mousemove_relative to mousemove in the xdotool command below.
# Set LENGTH to 0 if you do not want the mouse pointer to actually move.
# Set LENGTH to 1 if you want the mouse pointer to move just a tiny fraction.
# Set LENGTH to e.g. 100 if you want to see more easily the mouse pointer move.
# Set DELAY to the desired number of seconds between each move of the mouse pointer.
while true
for ANGLE in 0 90 180 270
xdotool mousemove_relative --polar $ANGLE $LENGTH
sleep $DELAY