linux bash do something when file changes
while inotifywait -e close_write; do ./; done
Also in C++:
- git status
- how to create a github repo on linux command line
- sudo gem install cocoapods-deintegrate cocoapods-clean
- can we declare state outside the class
- how to clear django shell
- how to update remote branches list git
- upgrade ubuntu command line
- how to go to a previous commit state
- install nodemon npm
- git ignore whitespace
- ubuntu install apache mod_proxy
- gitignore file without extension
- git supprimer branche origin
- how to create a zip in ubuntu
- pm2 install
- gsap install
- git reset head
- vim plug
- mplayer ubuntu
- how to run flutter on google chrome
- how to uninstall lamp server in ubuntu 18.04
- linux command to cut file and paste somewhere else
- linux user groups
- git unstage a file