linux change date and then change files ctime
$ NOW=$(date) && date -s "2030-08-15 21:30:11" && touch file.txt && date -s "$NOW"
Also in C++:
- what all should be added to gitignore for django project
- rename a running docker container
- how to install nvm
- linux change date and then change files ctime
- remove unnecessary npm packages
- git reset to origin/master
- codition in bash
- laravel remote: error: unable to unlink old 'public/.htaccess': Permission denied
- how to make tunnel in linux ubuntu
- dos findstr
- search file in ubuntu
- git stash apply specific file
- vim delete line
- git check staged changes
- how to reset network on ubuntu 20.04
- awk field separator space
- App not compatible with buildpack:
- gem install version
- ohmyzsh
- how to merge two repositories in github
- typescript css modules in react
- how to create a zip in ubuntu
- install and set up mariadb django
- how to convert ui to py pyqt5