linux ogg to wav
ffmpeg -i audio.ogg audio.wav
Also in C++:
- bash uppercase string
- ngrok run in background and get link
- command prompt change directory to network drive
- centos install copmposer
- close git issue with commit
- Python plot graph in bash
- redis delete keys that match pattern
- install scoop
- show git branch on terminal on mac
- fzf rpm
- check th binggest file in linux
- keras version install in colab
- uninitialize git
- difference between macos and linux
- list apt installed programs
- perl install Switch
- wine install ubuntu
- git delete origin branch
- ionic capacitor ios
- git clean local remote branch
- install perl 5 on ubuntu 2020
- fatal: 'origin' does not appear to be a git repository
- git remove file
- install guake ubuntu