locale-gen fa_IR.UTF-8 ubuntu
$ locale-gen fa_IR.UTF-8
Also in C++:
- close adb shell
- bash return lines from one file that arent in another
- windows powershell symlink
- CocoaPods could not find compatible versions for pod "razorpay_flutter" when running pod install
- copy directory command in linux
- list file size as mb
- bash script to restart elasticsearch
- certbot renew single domain
- ubuntu restart network manager when ping is low
- awk print until match
- get history command without line numbers
- installing pip
- sed between two matches
- install fzf redhat 8
- overwrite a file name character in linux
- remove windows folder from old drive
- Composer install with dockerfile
- how to install obs on ubuntu
- git log
- run exe in proton prefix
- install kazam ubuntu 20.04
- what is digital marketing
- apt-get install certbot
- npm uninstall