npm shorthand
-v: --version
-h, -?, --help, -H: --usage
-s, --silent: --loglevel silent
-q, --quiet: --loglevel warn
-d: --loglevel info
-dd, --verbose: --loglevel verbose
-ddd: --loglevel silly
-g: --global
-C: --prefix
-l: --long
-m: --message
-p, --porcelain: --parseable
-reg: --registry
-f: --force
-desc: --description
-S: --save
-P: --save-prod
-D: --save-dev
-O: --save-optional
-B: --save-bundle
-E: --save-exact
-y: --yes
-n: --yes false
ll and la commands: ls --long
Also in C++:
- kill process running on port mac
- output current max digital pin
- get Operating system command
- git see all aliases
- linux system version
- change regolith terminal
- convert increase size linux command line
- install fontforge linux
- copy file from linux to windows ssh
- git revert to old commit
- Adding "0" if clock have one digit
- postgres setup Linux Debian
- command line weather
- Npm install instagram-private-api
- list commands in shell
- ash if statment
- how to set environment variable using bash
- how to store git credentials
- git rm cached gitignore
- Starting doesn't work: sudo systemctl start coturn
- git pull command
- install scratchpad jupyter notebook
- linux show uid
- install i3-gaps ubuntu