npx eslint fix
npx eslint 'file or directory
you can add --fix flag
Also in C++:
- git new branch push to remote
- verify large directory after copy files
- composer installed versions
- uninstall libxcb
- install fontforge linux
- traceroute ubuntu command
- get repository url git cil
- install docker machine ubuntu
- debian install java
- linux high load send mail
- open chrome without web security mac
- git undo commit
- setuptools install_requires from private pypi server
- how to push repository to github
- ERROR: Could not install packages due to an EnvironmentError: HTTPSConnectionPool(host=''
- command to fix frozen shell
- git log with numbers
- How to export a GPG private key to a file
- file search linux by text
- flutter X Android license status unknown.
- bash how to create directories in all subdirectories
- create remore git branch
- get file until match without including
- linux save and exit