pacman arch
sudo pacman -Syu# leaving dependencies
pacman -R <package_name>
# removing dependencies
pacman -Rs <package_name>
# The above may sometimes refuse to run when removing a group which
# contains otherwise needed packages. In this case try:
pacman -Rsu <package_name>
# To remove a package, its dependencies and all the packages that depend
# on the target package:
pacman -Rsc <package_name>
# To remove a package, which is required by another package, without
# removing the dependent package:
pacman -Rdd <package_name>
# Pacman saves important configuration files when removing certain
# applications and names them with the extension: .pacsave. To prevent
# the creation of these backup files use the -n option:
pacman -Rn <package_name>pacman -S package_name1 package_name2
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