pause in bash
sleep .5 # Waits 0.5 second.
sleep 5 # Waits 5 seconds.
sleep 5s # Waits 5 seconds.
sleep 5m # Waits 5 minutes.
sleep 5h # Waits 5 hours.
sleep 5d # Waits 5 days.sleep .5 # Waits 0.5 second.
sleep 5 # Waits 5 seconds.
sleep 5s # Waits 5 seconds.
sleep 5m # Waits 5 minutes.
sleep 5h # Waits 5 hours.
sleep 5d # Waits 5 days.
#pause 5 second, first method
read -t 5
#pause 5 second, second method
sleep 5sfunction pause(){
read -s -n 1 -p "Press any key to continue . . ."
echo ""
## Pause it ##
## rest of script below
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