powershell function resize image
# https://gallery.technet.microsoft.com/scriptcenter/Resize-Image-A-PowerShell-3d26ef68# (Parameter: -Scale)
# Mit diesem Parameter kann die Skalierung des Bildes in % angeben werden
function Resize-Image
Resize-Image resizes an image file
This function uses the native .NET API to resize an image file, and optionally save it to a file or display it on the screen. You can specify a scale or a new resolution for the new image.
It supports the following image formats: BMP, GIF, JPEG, PNG, TIFF
Resize-Image -InputFile "C:\kitten.jpg" -Display
Resize the image by 50% and display it on the screen.
Resize-Image -InputFile "C:\kitten.jpg" -Width 200 -Height 400 -Display
Resize the image to a specific size and display it on the screen.
Resize-Image -InputFile "C:\kitten.jpg" -Scale 30 -OutputFile "C:\kitten2.jpg"
Resize the image to 30% of its original size and save it to a new file.
Param([Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string]$InputFile, [string]$OutputFile, [int32]$Width, [int32]$Height, [int32]$Scale, [Switch]$Display)
# Add System.Drawing assembly
Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Drawing
# Open image file
$img = [System.Drawing.Image]::FromFile((Get-Item $InputFile))
# Define new resolution
if($Width -gt 0) { [int32]$new_width = $Width }
elseif($Scale -gt 0) { [int32]$new_width = $img.Width * ($Scale / 100) }
else { [int32]$new_width = $img.Width / 2 }
if($Height -gt 0) { [int32]$new_height = $Height }
elseif($Scale -gt 0) { [int32]$new_height = $img.Height * ($Scale / 100) }
else { [int32]$new_height = $img.Height / 2 }
# Create empty canvas for the new image
$img2 = New-Object System.Drawing.Bitmap($new_width, $new_height)
# Draw new image on the empty canvas
$graph = [System.Drawing.Graphics]::FromImage($img2)
$graph.DrawImage($img, 0, 0, $new_width, $new_height)
# Create window to display the new image
Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms
$win = New-Object Windows.Forms.Form
$box = New-Object Windows.Forms.PictureBox
$box.Width = $new_width
$box.Height = $new_height
$box.Image = $img2
$win.AutoSize = $true
# Save the image
if($OutputFile -ne "")
# Close Image File