powershell set wsl 2
wsl.exe --set-version Ubuntu 2dism.exe /online /enable-feature /featurename:VirtualMachinePlatform /all /norestart
wsl --list --verbose
wsl --set-version <distribution name> <versionNumber>
dism.exe /online /enable-feature /featurename:Microsoft-Windows-Subsystem-Linux /all /norestart
Also in C++:
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- tic toc command bash
- updating vscode on ubuntu
- not a git repository after clone
- creer un script linux
- how to search file name in linux using wildcard
- ubuntu fingerprint sudo
- how to switch branches git
- adonis migration run
- gitignore for django project
- ubuntu 18 install nodejs
- install pgadmin4 in ubuntu
- No such module 'Capacitor'
- awk how to print line minus end characters
- pm2 stop process
- Identities entities in vault hashicorp
- how to install android sdk tools in ubuntu using command line
- git add command
- installed delphi package says unit not found
- how to configure bluetooth on ubuntu command line
- aws config kubectl
- the current numpy installation fails to pass sanity check
- install bootstrap
- Please install the gcc make perl packages from your distribution.