pypi release
python3 sdist bdist_wheel
twine upload dist/*
Also in C++:
- No module named notebook
- how to delete dangling docker images
- shell mac move faster
- how to install yarn on ubuntu
- ubuntu start mongodb
- bash vlookup function
- Flexlay Editor
- stop port
- mv linux command
- how to install vscode into ubuntu
- git config location
- how to reset network on ubuntu 20.04
- macos install chromium
- uninstall all pip packages anaconda
- linux search all directories for file
- install and set up mariadb django
- install react dependencies
- shell commands windows
- install git ubuntu
- npx cap sync Unable to find node_modules/@angular-eslint/builder
- install composer in dockerfile
- replace characters command
- gsed comand store file
- list all commands in windows terminal