rails db:rollback
rake db:rollback STEP=n
# n = how many migrations you want to rollbackbin/rails db:migrate:down VERSION=YYYYMMDDHHMMSSrake db:rollback VERSION=n
# n = the version you want to rollback to
Also in C++:
- composer uninstall package symfony
- replace line with match
- membuat nomor urut 11 digit berdasarkan id primary key
- gitignore .idea
- discord.py install
- bash replace beginning of string
- install sqitch
- new ip linux
- job name getprojectmetadata does not exist
- fork in github
- git push to different remote branch
- install angular cli specific version
- hue run command line arguments
- electron setup cmd
- cambiare luminosità schermo ubuntu
- vue google sign in github
- build and serve project build node js npm
- nano go to line
- powershell get-childitem exclude node_modules
- linux command if directory exists
- powershell keep skype active
- install dot-prop
- clean local branches git
- create a file with text in linux