run a command x number of times linux
## run command 10 times
for i in {1..10}; do commandNameHere; done
## run script 20 times
for i in {1..10}; do /path/to/; done
Also in C++:
- lien symbolique linux
- get string after character shell script
- check bash version
- brew install golang-migrate
- Git change remote branch name
- get current timestamp shell
- origin branch still showing in vscode though deleted
- git remote set url
- github readme stats
- cancel a merge git
- pom extract version linux
- albert for ubuntu
- install sqitch
- get from match to end of file
- tigervnc install on centos 7 step by step
- amazon linux wireguard
- import project from gitlab to github
- curl test https
- windows run powershell script from task scheduler
- install node using nvm windows
- install spacy
- linux show drive space
- ubuntu spotify
- run a command x number of times linux