sed remove last 3 lines
head -n -1 file.txt #Use negative numbers after flag for last lines
Also in C++:
- set python3 as default mac
- git revert all commits to pervious commit
- linux check what process is using port
- store ls into array bash
- oracle vm cannot install guest edition windows 10 enterprise
- importerror cannot import name 'monitoring' from 'tensorflow python eager
- how to still atom on ubuntu
- restart computer command linux
- list auths in vault
- create gitignore files
- how to send notification in linux
- linux kernel type cli command
- arch jpg to png
- install dependencies react project material ui
- from win32event import CreateEvent, MsgWaitForMultipleObjects ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'win32event'
- INSTALL VMwareTools on terminal ap=get
- source tree not installed
- reinit gitignore
- cambiare luminosità schermo ubuntu
- ubuntu 20 lts install node 10
- mkv to mp4 linux
- git commit amend without changing message
- update every python library
- getCityNameByLatitudeLongitude