see how large a directory is linux
du -sh /home/user/du -s /home/george
# du -a /home | sort -n -r | head -n 5
Also in C++:
- display number of lines in nano linux
- linux tmux stop
- install pytest
- install apt-get
- how to isnatll snap on ubuntu linux
- powershell shared folder
- git remove repository local
- install brave browser on linux
- check ram arch linux
- install libreoffice linux
- wsl2 access folder from windows
- how to install nvm
- how to extract tgz file in linux
- install nasm ubuntu
- react-scripts is not recognized as an internal command windows
- how to remove windows service
- mkv to mp4 linux
- batch file drive
- create swapfile ubuntu
- ubuntu install codecs
- certbot apache install
- calculate float division
- Error: Unable to find a match: centos-release-openstack-queens
- git set head to commit