ssh transfer file from local to remote
scp file.txt [email protected]:/remote/directoryscp -i <KEY CERTIFICATE | .ppk or .pem file> <source URL of local server or remote server> <destination URL of local server or remote server>
Also in C++:
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- install wmctrl in mac
- echo with new lines bash
- ubuntu deskyop repository
- install pup command
- download file from heroku dyno
- ubuntu record video change time
- sed delete line with matching pattern
- f.lux for ubuntu 18.04
- react-github-contribution-calendar
- * Connection #0 to host left intact
- brew install jenv
- bash remove rows that are found in another file
- grep print all after
- install snap on linux redhat
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- how to pull git repository from github
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- command linux write read and execute values
- git log by date
- increase nginx timeout