sudo apt install wiresharck ubuntu
$ sudo apt install wireshark
Also in C++:
- bash split string into variables
- how to install fairseq
- cmd install mrjob
- definition varibale in bash
- command linux write read and execute values
- change permissions for specific file types linux
- after checking out a previous commit go back to latest commit
- bash redirect stdout and stderr to the same file
- upload react project to github
- copy file from docker container to host
- pip upgrade command
- linux remove last line from file
- how to install django
- f.lux for ubuntu 18.04
- make directory in git bash
- imagemagick add background to transparent png
- linux get recursive directory size
- create symbolic link linux apache
- uninstalling audacity on linux
- (node:14140) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Error: FFmpeg/avconv not found!
- popwershell add local user
- Flutter plugin not installed; this adds Flutter specific functionality
- how to pass linux command in in docker-compose yaml file
- make only one digit input box