undo last commit but keep changes
git reset @~git reset HEAD^ --softgit reset HEAD^
Also in C++:
- install mpg321
- command to split tags
- ubuntu export path
- electron build windows exe
- kubernetes get namespace
- how to stop docker
- bash how to pass shell variables to awk
- yarn install No such file or directory: 'install'
- linux move all files up a directory
- find all variables in server bash
- powershell beeb
- linux find any file linux
- rsync only updated files
- cd command windows
- supprimer une branche locale git
- git clone private repo
- cli generate random string
- npm install apmplify
- github merge
- delete cash on ubuntu
- linux make a copy of a folder in another foldedr
- kubectl get pods
- how to join any cluster redis
- cmd kill process by pid