venv git
# ignore your .venv/.env (virtualenv) folder and instead track a requirements.txt file
# Generate with
pip freeze > requirements.txt
Also in C++:
- how to change the name of the branch in git
- git push ubuntu need to supply email and password everytime
- install
- delete branch from github mcd
- linux commands
- instal .deb ubuntu
- create gz in ubuntu
- check which users are part of a group linux
- yarn install package from github
- how to know version of heroku
- flutter ui upload multiple image
- command to wrap html
- composer install package with specific version
- uploading a folder to github
- mailutils check mail
- npm install capacitor to existing angular project
- What causes a defunct process on the Linux system and how can you avoid it?
- how to use /dev/urandom
- Bash add pause prompt in a shell script with bash pause command
- dos findstr
- versão do meu linux
- customize dock in ubuntu
- install git-lfs ubuntu 18.04
- git set head to commit